
News and events

Чемпіонат проходив в термін з 9 по 15 вересня у місті Бургас (Болгарія). Це був 15-й Чемпіонат Європи з судномодельного спорту та судномоделювання в якому брали участь понад 280 учасників із 10 країн ...

Викладачі нашої кафедри беруть активну участь у програмі «ERASMUS - STAFF TEACHING MOBILITY», що суттєво підвищує професіоналізм викладачів кафедри та виводить на якісно новий рівень освіту за нашою спеціальністю.Див. ...
Education advantagies

Highly qualified teachers
Our department has a well-coordinated, highly qualified team. Our professors actively participate in scientific and practical conferences, which allows us to teach subjects based on current trends in shipbuilding and ship repair. Internships at shipyards, exchange of experience with foreign colleagues significantly increase the prestige of studying at our department.

Real production practices
As part of the educational process, students have the opportunity to undergo internships, which gives them valuable experience in real-world conditions. During the internships, students acquire practical skills that allow them to effectively apply theoretical knowledge at enterprises and organizations. The internships help to establish contacts with potential employers and ensure an easy transition from study to professional activities.

Reliable professional growth
Our diploma provides graduates with a solid foundation for professional growth and development. The knowledge gained guarantees our graduates employment in leading shipbuilding and ship repair companies. Thanks to their strong theoretical background and practical skills, our graduates are confidently able to cope with the challenges of the labor market.
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