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Towing tank

The Department of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair named after Prof. Y.L. Vorobyov includes a large experimental complex, united in the "Experimental Laboratory of Hydroaerodynamic Research named after Prof. A.A. Kostyukov", which includes a towing tank and an aerodynamic laboratory.

General view of the towing tank

About the towing tank

The towing tank is one of the oldest research laboratories of the Odessa National Maritime University. It was put into operation in 1930 and is a basin of gravity type (Wellenkamp system). In the Wellenkamp system basin, the motion of the model takes place under the force of the weight of the cargo falling into the shaft. Simplicity and at the same time the proven perfection of all devices of the pool is its characteristic feature. This distinguishes it from complex and therefore more expensive dynamometer type pools.

The advantage of the gravity tank is a good stability of the results at low and medium speeds of the model. Due to the use of special techniques and devices in the experimental tank of ONMU it is also possible to carry out tests of high-speed vessels.

Experienced personnel, vast long-term experience in experimental research in the field of ship dynamics, reliability of test results, prompt execution of works - these are the factors ensuring competitiveness of experimental basin ONMU in modern conditions.

Description of the towing tank

Experimental towing tank laboratory named after of Prof. Kostyukov A.A. Odessa National Maritime University includes: hydraulic channel room, model workshop, mechanical workshop, control room, pump room.
The hydraulic channel is made in the form of reinforced concrete structure, the bottom part of which has a parabolic shape:

  • total length including docks - 35,5 m
  • width - 6,0 m
  • maximum water depth - 2,2 m
  • capacity of the pool - 400 m3.
General view of the experimental setup for determining the kinematic characteristics of the model pitching

Work performed in the basin of the Odessa National Maritime University:

  • Determination of the dependence of the drag force on the speed of the ship, on calm water and on regular waves. Towing system provides model speed - up to 5-6 m/s. At tests of high-speed vessels and application of special devices - up to 7-9 m/sec.
  • Determination of hydrodynamic and kinematic characteristics of vessel pitching (attached masses, damping coefficients, model movement during pitching, disturbing forces and moments, cutting forces and bending moments).
  • Other kinds of experimental researches (optimization of the form of a ship hull, definition of characteristics of a propeller when it moves in free water, definition of hydrodynamic characteristics of models of propellers at standstill and in view of movement with different angles of turn of a nozzle and without it, definition of hydrodynamic pressures on the hull of a ship model and underwater constructions).
IMG_0312 _винт
Installation for determining the characteristics of a propeller in free water

Towing tank: practical application