Yuriy Nikiforov

Yuriy Nikiforov

Job Title
Academic Degree
PhD in Technical Sciences
Academic Rank
Associate professor
Other Contacts
old building, room. 103
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
Orcid logo 0000-0002-8901-6935

He was born on June 30, 1957 in Odesa. 

In 1974, he graduated from Odesa secondary school No. 43. 

From 1975 to 1980, he studied at the shipbuilding faculty of the OIIMF. 

In 1980-1984, he was assigned to work at the Cherkasy Design Bureau in the Synthetic Materials Research Laboratory. 

From 1984 to 1992, he was a researcher at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Odesa Polytechnic Institute. 

From 1992 to the present time he has been working at ONMU, successively holding the positions of laboratory manager, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, and head of the Department of Ship Repair. 

In 1994 he defended his PhD thesis. 

In 1995, he was promoted to associate professor. 

He has 60 scientific and methodological publications, 3 copyright certificates. 

Research interests: constructive methods of increasing the fatigue resistance of materials and structures. The use of polymeric materials in ship repair. 

He lectures in the disciplines "Organization and management of the production process" and "Technical and technological preparation of production".

Main publications:

  • "Shaft Fatigue in Joints with Guaranteed Tension" (monograph),
  • "Integrated Automation of Ship Power Plants" (book),
  • "Organization of the Production Process at an Enterprise" (guidelines),
  • "Estimation of the Residual Life of Metal Structures of Lifting Machines",
  • "Experimental Determination of Torque Distribution Along the Length of a Tapered Joint" (articles).